Introduction: welcome aboard
CT-STE is a 21st century solar/turbine/electric-drive railcar
designed to be quick, comfortable and safe
CT-STE is a 21st century solar/turbine/electric-drive railcar
designed to be quick, comfortable and safe
Orbit & walk-thru. 20 second video
Epub and PDF files for download are at the end of this page
Basic layout of the railcar CT-STE
"Cooltrainz is an inspired concept and the central benefits of comfort, energy efficiency, speed of service, stability and adaptability are all important aspects for a passenger service - and it's great to see these have been considered in the concept." Steven Joyce, NZ Transport Minister, 15 June 2009.
"National hates rail." Michael Wood. NZ Transport Minister, 2022.
Te Huia "is not running at the time people want it. It's not running as fast as people need it, and it's not going to the destination they thought it would, which is Auckland central." Michael Woodhouse, National Transport Spokesman, 2022.
Ecan councillor and Regional Committee Chair, Peter Scott, said there was "significant public support" for rail transport using the existing rail network in Canterbury and the wider South Island.
The lack of non-roading priorities was noted by Horizons councillor and temporary committee chair Sam Ferguson. He wanted to see the council work with the community on new ideas for transport, which could be better rail links between cities or regions.
Provide free buses, bring back passenger trains... were among submissions made to the Regional Council to improve public transport in Taranaki. Urs Singer, on behalf of Climate Justice Taranaki said the millions of dollars spent on upgrading and maintaining roads in Taranaki should instead be spent on rail.
"Dream big, be bold and be visionary."
Not a single academic report, regional council meeting or public forum has addressed the prime issue for public rail.
All participants talk of running 20th century trains that are slow and uncomfortable.
Cooltrainz STE is a 21st century solar/turbine/electric-drive railcar designed to run on Aotearoa/New Zealand's 19th century rail infrastructure.
Welcome aboard!
PDF file of the FUTURERAILNZ book
Epub file of the FUTURERAILNZ book